Anime Dungeon Fighters Fruit Tier List, What is the Best Fruit in Anime Dungeon Fighters?

What is the best fruit in the anime Dungeon & Fighter?

In the realm of the anime “Dungeon Fighter”, the Dark Lord Fruit is the ultimate prize, possessing the illustrious rarity of immortality. With unparalleled melee bonuses, the Dark Lord reigns supreme, coveted by adventurers seeking unparalleled power. Obtaining this precious fruit is no easy task, as the chance of a lucky person passing the dice is only 0.25%.

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Once in possession of the Dark Lord Fruit, adventurers can unlock a series of powerful skills, including Dark Torrent, Dark Edge, and Living Shadow. However, mastering these skills requires constant dedication. To level up in Dark Lord Mastery, one must defeat opponents with ruthless precision, dealing significant damage to accelerate skill progression.

To speed up this journey, wise warriors focus their efforts on maximizing attack proficiency, allocating each skill point to enhance attack capabilities. Critical and health attributes pale in comparison to a singular focus on raw power. In the heartless dungeons of the anime Dungeon & Fighter, the Dark Lord Fruit represents the pinnacle of power, calling adventurers to rise in the darkness and seize their destiny.

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Anime “Dungeon and Fighter” Fruit Level List (February 2024)




dark lord, light


Buddha, love


ice, fox



Anime Dungeons and Warriors Fruit

In the anime Dungeon Fighter, the coveted Dark Lord Fruit is the ultimate prize, possessing the venerable rarity of immortality. This fruit can grant its lucky owner unparalleled melee bonuses, including abilities such as Dark Torrent, Dark Edge, and Living Shadow. Obtaining this elusive fruit is no easy task, however, as the chance of it appearing via a die roll is only 0.25%.

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Once obtained, adventurers embark on a journey to master the Dark Lord’s fruit’s powerful abilities, which require tireless dedication and strategic combat prowess. To speed up skill progression, individuals focus solely on enhancing attack attributes and avoid other categories such as critical and health.

Deep in the dungeons of the anime Dungeons & Fighters, the Dark Lord Fruit symbolizes the pinnacle of power, calling adventurers to rise in the darkness and claim their destiny. With its legendary status and unparalleled power, the Dark Lord Fruit represents the epitome of achievement in the game’s dynamic world of exploration and combat.

Anime Dungeon and Fighter Fruit Game

In the Dungeon Fighter anime, the Dark Lord Fruit is the pinnacle of gameplay, offering unparalleled power and strategic depth. The fruit’s immortal rarity unlocks powerful melee abilities such as Dark Torrent and Dark Edge, which require mastery through ruthless combat.

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Introduced in Update 30, dungeons are dynamic battlefields where players can undertake maze-like trials and activate altars to summon enemies in various room types. From standard enemy rooms to lucrative boss chest rooms, each room presents unique challenges and rewards.

To enter a dungeon, players must acquire a dungeon token and position themselves on the last map visited in the game. Once inside, adventurers can make their way through the rooms, defeating enemies and capturing valuable loot within strict time limits. The dungeon experience comes with a host of rewards, including shards, world-specific shards, potions, tokens, and the coveted Dark Lord Fruit itself.

Throughout gameplay, historical nuances such as cooldowns and past exploits enrich the immersive world of Anime Dungeon Fighter, ensuring an engaging and ever-evolving experience for players.

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