Anthem Crack Status, Anthem Wiki, Gameplay, and More

National anthem

Anthem is an online multiplayer action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. It was released globally on February 22, 2019 for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One. The game takes place on the fictional planet of Koda, and players take on the role of Freelancers, heroic adventurers equipped with powerful exoskeletons. Their mission is to protect humanity from threats beyond the city’s walls.

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The game’s title, Anthem, refers to the Anthem of Creation, a mysterious force responsible for the extraordinary technologies, phenomena, and threats that exist in the game world. The main narrative revolves around the player Freelancer, who must stop the evil Monitor from seizing control of Anthem.

Anthem received mixed reviews from critics, with criticism primarily directed at its grind-focused gameplay, technical issues, and story execution. However, the game did receive praise for its combat mechanics, flight controls, and stunning visuals.

Despite good initial sales, Anthem fell short of commercial expectations. In February 2020, BioWare announced plans to reinvent Anthem’s core gameplay as part of a long-term strategy. Unfortunately, all future development of the game was halted in February 2021, leaving the future of the series uncertain.

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Anthem Cracked Status

Anthem is a game developed by Bioware that takes place in a world abandoned by the gods, where a mysterious faction poses a threat to humanity. The only hope lies with the Freelancers, who act as a barrier between villains and coveted ancient technology. In this action-packed multiplayer game, players can team up with three others and don powerful custom armor called the Javelin. Together they go on missions to explore vast ruins, battle powerful enemies, and seize otherworldly artifacts. As they progress, both players and their javelins become stronger, allowing them to face the world’s ever-changing dangers. Anthem invites players to join forces to defeat evil and win with a united front.

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days and counting


Uncracked games

National anthem

release date

February 22, 2019

Crack date

To be determined

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scene group

To be determined

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Anthem gameplay

Anthem combines elements of third-person shooters and action RPGs in a continuous open world that can be shared with up to three other players. In the game, players take on the role of Freelancers who wear customizable exosuits called javelins.

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There are four unique javelin variants in Anthem that players can unlock during gameplay. Each javelin has its own unique attributes and abilities, suitable for different play styles and evoking classic role-playing character archetypes. The Ranger is the starting javelin and is good at all-round combat. The Colossus is the largest and slowest, but has high resilience and a shield that absorbs attacks. Interceptors are the fastest and most agile, specializing in quick melee attacks. Finally, Storm has the weakest armor, but stays in the air the longest and can unleash powerful elemental energy attacks from a distance.

While players can form relationships with non-playable characters in Anthem, the romantic relationships that were prevalent in previous BioWare games weren’t a feature. The central hub of the game is Fort Tarsis, a fortified settlement that serves as a safe haven against external threats. Here, players can accept new missions and free missions. Fort Tarsis is home to various factions, including the Sentinels, Ravens, Ciphers, and Arcanists.

Anthem offers both single-player and cooperative multiplayer in its shared world. Teams of up to four players can join forces to battle beasts, marauders, and explore lost ruins. The game also features dynamic world events such as “Shaper Storms” that can significantly change the game world.

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Anthem Trailer

Psalm Overview




electronic arts


Frostbite 3


PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One


February 22, 2019


Action RPG


multiplayer game


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