Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Divine Intel 2 Location, Find Out Here

Final Fantasy VII Reborn

Final Fantasy VII Reborn is a 2024 video game released by Square Enix. It’s like a sequel to another game called Final Fantasy VII Remake. In Rebirth, players control a mercenary character named Cloud Strife, and a group named AVALANCHE.

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They are trying to stop a large corporation called Shinra from using the Earth’s life force (called the Lifestream) as an energy source. They must also fight Sephiroth, a powerful enemy from the previous game who wants to gain more power by connecting to Earth.

The game combines action with strategy and role-playing. Players must make decisions and use different skills to defeat enemies and progress the story. Final Fantasy VII Reborn was announced in 2022 and released on PlayStation 5 in 2024. It received positive reviews from players and game critics.

The game’s story continues following the events of Final Fantasy VII Remake, so players who enjoyed the first game can follow the new adventures of Cloud and his friends. With exciting gameplay and a compelling story, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth offers players the opportunity to return to the beloved world of Final Fantasy VII in a whole new way.

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Final Fantasy VII Reborn Holy Intel 2 Locations

  • Finding the Abandoned Docks: To find Sacred Intel 2 in the grasslands of Final Fantasy VII Reborn, first go to the Abandoned Docks, located about 780m southeast of Cam. This is a key reference point for the upcoming journey.

  • Ride a Chocobo to the Swamp: From the Abandoned Docks, mount your trusty Chocobo and head southwest into the Swamp. Drive about 240m until you find a small yellow crystal on the road. This crystal marks a critical point in the next step.

  • Climbable Wall: To the southwest of the yellow crystal, there is a climbable wall. See the marked map to find it easily. Climb this wall to further the mission.

  • Stone Alcove Exploration: After climbing the wall, head west into the stone alcove. In this space you will find the crystals associated with Prairie Sacred Intel 2. Interact with it to play a mini-game, similar to other summoning sanctuaries in the game.

  • Next Steps – Prairie Expedition Intelligence 3: Approach Holy Intelligence 2 and you will find Prairie Expedition Intelligence 3. To reach it, continue southwest across the marsh and climb a set of copper stairs. This provides additional exploration opportunities.

  • Notes on the Main Campaign: Alternatively, if players wish to continue the main campaign, they can travel through the Swamp. However, any ongoing objectives in the steppe must be completed first, as an immediate return may not be possible. Make sure all short-term goals are achieved before moving forward with the main storyline.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth gameplay

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth builds on the success of its predecessor, Final Fantasy VII Remake, to deliver an exciting gaming experience. Players control Claude Strife and his allies as they navigate the vast world and begin their adventure after escaping from the bustling city of Midgar.

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The game combines real-time exploration and combat, allowing players to freely roam a wider world than its predecessor. In the game, players use objective markers to guide them through main story missions and optional side missions.

Travel options include walking or riding a chocobo (an adorable bird-like creature) for faster exploration. The combat system is a combination of dynamic melee attacks and a real-time combat (ATB) system that allows players to switch characters mid-battle.

Magical and physical attacks are available to players, who can strategically use items in the menu to enhance offense, defense or resurrect teammates. The returning “synergy” mechanic allows characters to synchronize attacks at the expense of a slower ATB bar filling rate, adding an extra layer of strategy to encounters.

Overall, Final Fantasy VII Reborn delivers an immersive and accessible gaming experience that combines beloved elements from the original game with modern enhancements to allow players to explore a vibrant and diverse game world. Immerse yourself in an epic journey.

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Final Fantasy VII Reborn Development

The development process of Final Fantasy VII Reborn was orchestrated by Square Enix. Originally, the idea stemmed from the success of Final Fantasy VII Remake, with Square Enix planning to create a trilogy retelling the iconic 1997 PlayStation game. Director Tetsuya Nomura and producer Yoshinori Kitase envisioned a series that would captivate players with each installment.

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The difficulty of completely remaking Final Fantasy VII prompted the decision to create a multi-part series. Nomura highlighted the challenge of modernizing the game while retaining its essence, especially given the advancements in technology. The team aims to explore Midgar in greater depth, expanding its complexity and lore.

Development began in earnest before Final Fantasy VII Remake was released, with the team focused on delivering an experience that will resonate with both new players and longtime fans. They seek to balance quality with convenience, ensuring that subsequent titles exploit the full potential of modern hardware such as the PlayStation 5.

The release of Rebirth coincides with the release of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, a remaster designed to flesh out the main trilogy’s lore. Lead programmer Satoru Koyama discussed plans to enhance the team’s AI, marking an evolution in the game’s mechanics.

The development of Final Fantasy VII Reborn represents a labor of love that seeks to respect the original while pushing the boundaries of storytelling and gameplay.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Trailer

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