Helldivers 2 Enemy List, Helldivers 2 Gameplay

Hellraiser 2

Helldivers 2 is a super exciting shooter where you team up with friends to solve tough missions and fight a variety of enemies. It was released on February 8, 2024, for PlayStation 5 and Windows computers.

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One of the coolest things about the game is that you can make your characters and weapons entirely yourself. This means you can customize them to fit the way you like to play. This makes the game more fun and encourages everyone to work together as a team.

The graphics are really great and the gameplay is even better than the first Helldivers game. You’ll be fighting in a lot of different locations, and the non-stop action can make things pretty crazy.

Overall, Helldivers 2 is all about having fun with your friends, whether you’re playing on PlayStation 5 or Windows PC. It’s all about teamwork and the fun of fighting enemies and completing missions.

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Helldiver 2 enemy list

  • Raiders: These are low-level enemies equipped with pistols, launchers, and explosives. They can call for reinforcements and are easily killed with a few bullets.
  • Predator: Similar to the Raider, the Predator carries an assault rifle and may use turrets at outposts. They can be eliminated with grenades, headshots, or by limiting their line of sight.
  • Commissar: These enemies wield dual swords and can call for reinforcements. While deadly at close range, they are easily shot.
  • Berserkers: Berserkers are equipped with chainsaws, and it’s best to aim for their heads and red chests to inflict serious damage. Disabling their arms before they get close renders them useless.
  • Scout Walkers: Scout walkers equipped with turrets should first take out their legs and then finish off with a grenade or a shot to the back.
  • Destroyer: The Destroyer is larger than the Berserker and has similar melee attacks, but is slower. Removing their arms limits their attacks.
  • Shield Destroyer: The shield variant of the Destroyer, best counterattacked with support weapons bypassing the shield.
  • Rocket Destroyer: Equipped with a rocket launcher, aim first at the launcher, then use supporting weapons to complete the mission.
  • Hulk: The Hulk is larger than the Destroyer and is difficult to defeat with a cannon. Start by removing their arms, then target their back from a distance.
  • Flamethrower Hulk: A variant of the Hulk that will keep chasing and must be eliminated with support weapons and orbital strikes.
  • Sentry Towers: Like tanks, Sentinel Towers require powerful barrages or orbital strikes to defeat.
  • Tanks: Tanks are difficult to defeat, they have a weakness behind them that is best dealt with through strategy.
  • Transport Ships: To bring reinforcements, transport ships should be avoided; instead, use orbital strikes or grenades to take out reinforcements.
  • Scavengers: Swarms of deadly little bugs that are easily killed by bullets.
  • Hunter: Hunters are larger than scavengers, with greater mobility and longer melee range.
  • Warriors: Small bugs with armored shells that are harder to defeat than scavengers and hunters.
  • Stalker: Stalkers are three times the size of hunters, have fast melee attacks and can become invisible.
  • Nursing Spitters: Smaller versions of bile ejectors, they spray bile that must be dodged.
  • Bile Spitter: A long-distance acid-spraying bug with weak points on its face and abdomen.
  • Bile Titan: A giant terminator with full body armor and acid attacks that are best dealt with strategy.
  • Charger: A terminator with a huge belly whose main attack method is charging; best attacked from a distance.
  • Lair Commander: A giant version of the warrior with ranged attacks and support groups.

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These enemies vary in difficulty level and require different strategies to defeat them effectively.

Hellraiser 2 gameplay

Helldivers 2 is a really cool game, especially because it’s different from the first one. You’re not watching the action from above, you’re right in the middle of it! You can still use special items called Strategies, such as bombs or shields, to help during missions. But be careful not to accidentally hurt your friends!

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In Helldivers 2, what you wear matters, just like in real life. You have to choose the right gear wisely for different situations. One of the joys of Helldivers 2 is playing with friends. You can team up with three others to take on tough challenges.

One really neat thing is that people watching you play can actually change things in the game to make it more exciting and surprising. Overall, Helldivers 2 is a great game where you and your friends can fight aliens, use cool gear, and have tons of fun together!

“Helldiver 2” trailer

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Hellraiser 2 Overview


Arrow Game Studios


Sony Interactive Entertainment


Wilbert Roget II


Autodesk Stingray


PlayStation 5, Windows


February 8, 2024


third person shooter


Single player, multiplayer


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