Helm Wager Skull and Bones, Helm Wager Consequences in Skull and Bones

Helmet Bet Skull and Bones

The Helmet Stakes event in Skull and Bones brings the excitement of naval combat to players, where they can form alliances, engage in battle, and strive to become the ultimate pirate. However, people are concerned about the incident, especially the continued harassment and grief from organized groups.

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Players encountered issues during Helm Wager, with seemingly typical PvP matches turning into 3v1 situations, leading to frustration and disappointment. Some feel that the game’s balancing of group content makes single-player play unhelpful and frustrating, allowing organized groups to easily dominate and fight solo players.

An imbalance in the game’s design resulted in players camping out in outposts during the Helmet Stakes event with no apparent way to escape. This situation raises concerns about the overall enjoyment of the single-player game and whether it needs to be redesigned to make it more worthwhile. Some players are warning others to check out the world’s influential players before accepting a helmet bet.

Despite these issues, some players have shared tips on how to escape intense PvP activity. Methods include quitting the game and reopening or using the map to locate the ship carrying the eight fragments, providing a potential solution for those who got stuck in Skull and Bones’ Helmet Stakes event.

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The consequences of the helmet bet in Skull and Bones

The helmet staking event in Skull and Bones has been criticized for being poorly executed, with unfortunate consequences for players. Some commenters highlighted that the event sent clear warnings about its PvP nature, but that players’ choice to camp or respawn at the final destination was problematic. This creates a constant battle, making it difficult for loot carriers to dock successfully.

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Some users have emphasized caution when embracing Helm Wager. Suggestions include checking if there are influential players in the same world to avoid going unopposed. Another user pointed out the event’s clear warnings, suggesting that too much explanation should act as a red flag, prompting players to think twice before participating.

The imbalance of organized groups, combined with poor execution and constant sadness, leaves players feeling let down. Whether the developers will address these issues and make the single-player game more worthwhile remains uncertain. Players are advised to approach the Helm Wager event with caution and be prepared for the test that may unfold on the high seas.

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones is an action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Singapore and published by Ubisoft. The game will be released in February 2024 and will be playable on platforms such as PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Amazon Luna, and Microsoft Windows. Unfortunately, the Google Stadia version was originally planned to launch but faced cancellation due to the service shutdown.

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Themed with pirates and naval battles, the game provides players with an immersive experience inspired by the fantasy scenes of East Africa and Southeast Asia in the late 17th century. This period corresponds to the Golden Age of Piracy in history, adding an element of excitement and adventure to the game.

In Skull and Bones, players can look forward to embarking on a thrilling maritime adventure, participating in naval battles and exploring the high seas. The game’s focus on pirates sets the stage for a compelling story that immerses players in the dangerous and exciting world of piracy during a pivotal period in history.

As players navigate the game, they will encounter a variety of challenges, enemies, and opportunities for combat and exploration. The combination of action and adventure elements, coupled with the game’s unique setting, promises an engaging and dynamic gaming experience.

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Skull and Bones gameplay

Skull and Bones offers an engaging gameplay experience in an open-world environment from a third-person perspective. Players take command of a customizable pirate ship and can choose to sail the Indian Ocean in a single-player campaign, or team up with up to five other players for exciting player-versus-player battles in the disputed waters.

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Strategic thinking is crucial in this tactical action game as players can assess wind position to gain an advantage in combat. The game introduces a variety of ships, including battleships, frigates, and brigs, each equipped with unique weapons such as mortars, broadside cannons, and rockets. Combat dynamics include brute force charging into ships and employing boarding tactics, with health points determining how quickly damage is dealt.

The multiplayer mode takes the form of a trophy hunt, where two groups of players compete to hunt for treasure to amass wealth. The game also emphasizes exploration, allowing players to zoom in on each ship’s lookout to find lookout points, and providing telescopes for enhanced visibility.

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Overview of Skull and Bones


Ubisoft Singapore




Ubisoft Anvil


Amazon Luna, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S


February 16, 2024


action adventure


Single player, multiplayer

Skull and Bones trailer

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