How to Get Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy 7 Reborn

In Final Fantasy 7 Reborn, Gilgamesh is a powerful summon that players can obtain by completing challenging missions. To find Gilgamesh, you first need to collect all the original relics scattered across different areas. These originals will trigger a cutscene with Cloud and Gilgamesh, and once you’ve collected them all, a new area called Gilgamesh Island will appear beneath the Meridian Ocean.

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To reach the island, take the Little Mustang and sail along the coastline north of Under Junon port. On the island, you’ll face difficult dual summon battles in four temples, each containing pairs of summoned entities. After overcoming these challenges and obtaining the Genji prototype, you enter the central garden for a final showdown with Gilgamesh.

Defeating Gilgamesh in battle will grant you the Gilgamesh Summoning Stone, allowing you to summon his powerful abilities in subsequent battles. Summoning requires 2 ATB, and Gilgamesh’s skills include Space Tear, Windmill, and the powerful Ultimate Illusion.

Additionally, completing Gilgamesh quests will reward you with various items, including material development options and blueprints for item converters. The battle with Gilgamesh adds an exciting dimension to the game, providing players with challenging encounters and valuable rewards for their efforts.

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How to get Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy 7 Reborn?

To get Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy 7 Reborn, you first need to find all Protorelic in various areas of the game. Every time you collect a set of Protorelics, a cutscene will show the main character Cloud interacting with Gilgamesh. Some of the challenges in finding Protorelics are easy, but others, like Junon and Cosmo Canyon, have their own mini-games for you to complete.

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The hardest one is Corel Protorelic, which you can only complete at the end of Chapter 12. Once you have all the Protorelic, a new land called the Isle of Gilgamesh will emerge from beneath the Meridian Ocean, where you’ll find Gilgamesh waiting for you.

The Island of Gilgamesh is where you will meet Gilgamesh after finding all the original relics. He is an eccentric swordsman with powerful abilities that can help you in battle. Therefore, by completing the challenging mission of collecting all Protorelic, you will have the opportunity to summon Gilgamesh and add power to your team in Final Fantasy 7 Reborn.

final fantasy 7 reborn

Final Fantasy VII Reborn is a video game released in 2024, developed and published by Square Enix. It belongs to the action role-playing game genre and is the sequel to “Final Fantasy VII Remake” released in 2020. The new game is the second in a trilogy that aims to remake the 1997 PlayStation classic “Final Fantasy VII.”

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Similar to its predecessor, “Rebirth” blends real-time action with strategy and role-playing elements. The storyline follows the events of “Reshoots.” Players control mercenary Cloud Strife, leading a team of characters primarily from the eco-terrorist group Avalanche.

Together, they embark on a journey across the planet to stop the Shinra megacorporation’s plan to harness the essence of life known as the “Lifestream” as a source of energy. Their mission also includes stopping Sephiroth, a former elite soldier who aims to unite with Earth to gain greater power.

Development on Rebirth began in November 2019, ahead of the release of Remastered, and the game was officially announced in June 2022. Rebirth debuted on PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024, and was widely panned to rave reviews upon launch. The game continues the legacy of the iconic Final Fantasy series with its engaging gameplay and engaging narrative.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn gameplay

As the second installment in a trilogy of remakes of classic 1997 PlayStation games, Final Fantasy 7 Reborn delivers an exciting gaming experience. The game is based on the events of “Final Fantasy 7 Remake” and tells the story of the protagonist Cloud Strife and his allies in the eco-terrorist organization AVALANCHE as they escape from the bustling city of Midgar. story. Like its predecessor, Rebirth reimagines elements of the original game while fleshing out character development and expanding the overall narrative.

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In terms of gameplay, Final Fantasy 7 Reborn offers a dynamic blend of real-time exploration and combat. Unlike the linear progression of the Midgar remake, the game introduces a more open environment with objective markers guiding players through main story missions and side missions.

Players can travel across the world on foot or ride a chocobo for faster travel. The combat system builds on the action-focused melee combat and real-time combat (ATB) systems in Final Fantasy VII Remake, with characters using both physical attacks and magic.

The unique “synergy” mechanism was first introduced in the DLC “Episode INTERMISSION”, allowing team members to attack simultaneously, adding strategic depth to the battle. Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth blends exploration, combat, and character development into an immersive and engaging gaming experience.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn Overview


Square Enix Creative Division I


Square Enix


Hamaguchi Naoki, Toriyama Moto, Nomura Tetsuya


Kitase Yoshinori


final fantasy


Unreal Engine 4


Playstation 5


February 29, 2024


Action RPG


single player

Final Fantasy 7 Reborn trailer

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