How to Get Vanwyrm Cryst in Palworld? Locations, Stats, Breeding Combos

friend world

Palworld is an upcoming game from Pocketpair for Microsoft Windows and Xbox that combines exciting single-player and multiplayer elements with similarities to the beloved Pokémon series.

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Set in the vast open world of Palpagos Island, players embark on a fascinating journey to meet and collect mysterious creatures known as “companions.” Palworld is scheduled to release on January 19, 2024, promising a unique blend of survival, crafting, and multiplayer experiences.

In Palworld, players can explore vast landscapes with friends while participating in various activities such as combat, construction, agriculture, and industry. These companions play a vital role and are valuable allies necessary to overcome the various challenges encountered in the game.

How to get Vanwyrm Crystal in Palworld?

To get the Vanwyrm Crystal in Palworld, you need to follow these steps:

Reach level 35:

Vanwyrm Cryst only spawns in the Forgotten Mines, an area accessible once your character reaches level 35 or higher. So invest time in the game and level up to unlock this location.

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Find the Forgotten Mines:

Once you’ve reached the required level, head to the Forgotten Mines on Palpagos Island. This is where the Van Dragon Crystal can be found.

Ready to fight:

Vanwyrm Cryst is a difficult opponent, usually appearing between level 37 and 39. Make sure your team is ready for challenging battles.

Reduce its health:

Before trying to capture the Van Dragon Crystal, weaken it by reducing its health during combat. Use powerful companion types like Fire or Dragon to deal damage, but be careful as Dragon types are weak to Ice.

To use the legendary sphere:

The Vanwyrm Cryst is a rare and powerful companion, so make sure you have enough Legendary Orbs to increase your chances of catching it.

Avoid overkill:

Be careful not to defeat the Van Dragon Crystal in combat, as you won’t be able to grab it if it’s knocked unconscious. Keep an eye on its health and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Leverage partner skills:

The Van Dragon Crystal has a useful companion skill called “Aerial Predator,” which increases damage dealt to enemy weak points when riding on its back. Consider using this skill in combat.

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Training your Van Dragon Crystal:

Once captured, train your Van Dragon Crystal to enhance its abilities and make it a valuable member of your team. Keep in mind its versatility in combat and utility tasks such as cooling and transport.

By following these steps, you will increase your chances of successfully obtaining and using the Vanwyrm Crystal in Palworld. Good luck on your buddy catching adventure!

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Wanlong Crystal location, statistics, breeding combinations

Here is information about Vanwyrm Cryst’s location, stats, and breeding mix in Palworld:


Van Dragon Crystals can be found in the Forgotten Mines on Palpagos Island. This area is unlocked once your character reaches level 35 or higher.

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Statistical data:

Van Dragon Crystal is known for its high base stats of attack and special attack, making it a powerful offensive force in battle. Its speed stat is also noteworthy, allowing it to defeat slower opponents.

Breeding combination:

Vanwyrm Cryst can breed with other companions, producing offspring with unique abilities and characteristics. Some recommended breeding combinations include pairing a Van Dragon Crystal with a partner of a complementary type or ability to enhance its advantage in combat or utility tasks.

Keep in mind that specific breeding combinations may produce different results, so try various pairings to discover the offspring that best suits your team composition.

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Optimizing the potential of Fanlon Crystal

Once you’ve successfully captured the Vanwyrm Crystal in Palworld, you’ll have to maximize its potential to ensure it becomes a valuable asset to your team. Here are some strategies for optimizing your Vanwyrm crystals:

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Training plan:

First focus on Vanwyrm Cryst’s training regimen. Train its strength, agility, endurance and other attributes to improve its overall performance in battles and missions. Strategically allocate training points to enhance their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses.

Master the Partner Skill – Air Raider:

Vanwyrm Cryst has a powerful companion skill called the Aerial Reaver, which amplifies damage dealt to enemy weak points when riding on its back. Mastering the timing and use of this skill can significantly improve your team’s combat effectiveness. Practice using the Aerial Predator in different scenarios to maximize its impact in combat.

Balance combat and utility roles:

Determine Vanwyrm Cryst’s most appropriate role within your team composition. While it excels in combat scenarios due to its powerful abilities, don’t overlook its useful skills such as cooldown and transport. Balance combat abilities with practical missions to unleash Vanwyrm Cryst’s full potential in every aspect of Palworld gameplay.

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Collaborate with teammates:

Identify synergies with other partners on your team to further improve Vanwyrm Cryst’s performance. Consider pairing it with friends who will complement its strengths and compensate for its weaknesses. Experiment with different team compositions to find the best synergies and maximize Vanwyrm Cryst’s contribution to your overall strategy.

Continuous improvement:

Vanwyrm Cryst strives to continuously improve. As you progress through the game and encounter tougher challenges, continue to refine your abilities, acquire new skills and develop your combat strategies. Stay up to date with game updates and community strategies to adapt and optimize Vanwyrm Cryst’s potential to changing game dynamics.

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By following these strategies, you can unleash the full potential of Vanwyrm Cryst and take your Palworld gaming experience to new heights. Remember, dedication, strategic thinking, and continuous improvement are the keys to mastering this powerful Pal.

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Friends world gameplay

Palworld immerses players in the thrilling trials of survival, exploration and collaboration with extraordinary creatures known as “Pals”. During this vast journey, players face a variety of challenges, from food shortages to harsh weather to the constant threat of poachers.

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To endure, players must adapt and, if necessary, consume their friends. The game offers a wide range of activities, including riding companions across the terrain, constructing buildings with their help, and using them to perform basic tasks such as making fire, generating electricity, and mining.

Additionally, Palworld introduces fascinating features such as farming, where different Pals can demonstrate their skills in planting, watering, and harvesting. Players can work with their friends to plant charming farms and orchards, some of which have unique reproductive abilities when planted.

Automation plays a vital role, allowing players to build factories and recruit companions to perform physical labor. With multiplayer capabilities, players can invite friends for cooperative adventures, engage in friendly competition, and engage in active trade in this vibrant and ever-expanding game world.

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Friends World Overview

release date

January 19, 2024


Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows


Shooter, RPG Video Game, Indie Game, Fighting Game, Early Access


pocket to company


pocket to company


Unreal Engine 5

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