How to Use Augments in Nightingale? What are Augments in Nightingale?

What is Nightingale’s enhancement?

In Nightingale, “enhancements” refer to special bonuses or enhancements that play a vital role in upgrading and improving your crafting bench and other structures within your base. Also known as enhancements, these enhancements serve as little perks that bring various benefits to your crafting activities.

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The main purpose of enhancement is to enhance the functionality of your carefully designed structure. When you build something in your base, like a shelter, campfire, or bed, and you notice a green line connecting it to another compatible structure, that means the enhancement is working. This green line represents an additional passive effect called a “trait”.

For example, if you create a wooden shelter as cover, place a small campfire beneath it, and place your bed sheet next to the campfire, the green line indicates that your bed will provide the added benefit of keeping you warm at night . This interconnected structure system with enhanced functionality is essential for upgrading your crafting bench, allowing you to unlock new crafting recipes.

Enhancements can be earned through exploration and various in-game activities. You can find them by opening treasure chests, completing points of interest, or purchasing them from Essence Merchants during your travels. Essence Traders displays available enhancements, allowing you to choose which enhancements to purchase based on your needs.

In summary, in Nightingale, enhancements are special enhancements that, when strategically placed and connected, bring extra benefits to your well-designed structures. They are key elements in the game, allowing you to enhance your base and crafting abilities as you navigate the procedurally generated world.

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How do I use enhancements in Nightingale?

Using Nightingale’s enhancements is essential for upgrading your crafting table and other structures in your base. Enhancements, also known as enhancements, are like special bonuses that enhance your crafting abilities and provide various advantages.

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To use the enhanced features, follow these simple steps:

Make structure:

Start by building a structure at your base. It can be anything from a shelter to a campfire or bed sheets.

Placed near compatible structures:

When placing a crafted structure, pay attention to the green lines connecting it to nearby compatible structures. These green lines indicate that reinforcements have been attached.

Additional Passive Effect – Features:

Green lines represent additional passive effects called traits. For example, if you build a wooden shelter as cover, place a small campfire beneath it, and place your sheets next to the campfire, the green line indicates that your bed will provide warmth during the night.

Crafting table upgrade:

Enhancements are especially useful for upgrading your crafting bench. Make sure crafted structures with enhancements are placed close to a crafting table to unlock new crafting recipes.

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Check out the enhancements:

To check what enhancements your structure has, check them by selecting “Space Station Traits” when selecting something to craft. This will display a list of enhancements and their associated passive effects.

Keep in mind that power-ups can be earned by exploring the world, opening treasure chests, completing point-of-interest activities, and purchasing them from Essence Merchants. They are essential for improving your camp and expanding your crafting capabilities. As you progress in the game, strategic use of enhancements will help you build a stronger, more efficient foundation in the procedurally generated Nightingale world.

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Where can I find Nightingale enhancements?

Enhancements play a vital role in enhancing your crafting bench and other structures in your base, providing various bonuses and features for your crafting activities. To get Nightingale’s enhancements, you have two main options.

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Exploration and Treasure Chests:

Enhancements can be found by exploring the world, opening treasure chests, and completing point-of-interest activities within your realm. However, their locations are not fixed and may vary from player to player due to the procedurally generated nature of the game.

Elite traders:

Another way is to interact with the Essence Merchant during exploration. These merchants allow you to purchase boosters using essences, and you can view available boosters before purchasing.

Unlock enhanced features:

Enhanced schematics can be unlocked by completing point-of-interest activities. These activities include defeating enemies, solving puzzles, and other challenges that reward you with power-ups.

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Use enhancements:

Take advantage of enhancements by crafting a structure and placing it near a compatible structure. If you see a green line connecting the two structures, the reinforcement is connected. These enhancements provide additional passive effects, called traits.

Check for enhancements:

  • To see what enhancements your structure has, check them by selecting “Space Station Traits” when selecting something to craft. This will display a list of enhancements and their associated passive effects.

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  • Early in the game, it is recommended to focus on exploring and finding enhancements through Points of Interest rather than spending Essence at Essence Merchants.
  • Enhancements are essential for upgrading your camp and expanding your crafting capabilities, so make sure to utilize them effectively.

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All in all, Nightingale power-ups are obtained by exploring, opening treasure chests, completing points of interest, and purchasing from Essence Merchants. These small rewards are vital for improving your base and crafting station, helping to provide a stronger and more diverse survival experience in the game.

Nightingale gameplay

Nightingale is a cool game where you travel to different worlds after encountering big problems on Earth. Imagine being an interdimensional traveler in a Victorian world filled with magic and fantasy. The best part is that the world is different every time you play the game because it is randomly created.

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Survival was very important to Nightingale. As you explore these magical places, you must scavenge for food, take a break and recharge, and collect items to craft tools. Making basic things like bedrolls is easy. You don’t have to build shelters, but they can help you regain more energy. Here’s a fun twist – you can make umbrellas that float, just like Mary Poppins!

There are a lot of cool things in the game, like friendly creatures and combat with weapons. You can go on dungeon adventures and participate in large battles to make survival even more exciting.

You can team up with characters in the game, such as Victor Frankenstein and Mr. Hyde, who will give you quests. Gathering resources allows you to travel between different worlds, each with its own landscape such as deserts, forests, and swamps. You can use cards to change everything and decide what’s in your world.

Nightingale is great to play alone or with friends (up to six!). You can see everything from your own perspective or switch to a different view. It’s like going on a grand adventure, exploring new places, meeting famous characters from the books, and making the game your own in a cool steampunk-style world.

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Overview of Nightingale


inflection game


inflection game


Unreal Engine 5



release date

February 20, 2024 (early access)




Single player game, multiplayer game

Nightingale trailer

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