How to Use Climbing Picks in Nightingale? Complete Guide


Developed by Inflexion Games, Nightingale is a video game that was released into Early Access on February 20, 2024. The game is all about survival in a fantasy world inspired by the Victorian era, where gas lamps illuminate the surroundings. In Nightingale, your main goal is to survive in this unique and challenging environment.

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As you get deeper into the game, you’ll notice some light-hearted role-playing elements that add a bit of adventure to your experience. Players can accept missions, like missions or missions, making the gameplay more engaging. These missions contribute to the overall story and provide opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Gaslight Fantasy offers a unique atmosphere that blends the charm of Victorian aesthetics with elements of fantasy. Mysteries and wonders may surround you as you navigate this survival adventure.

Nightingale is in early access, which means the game isn’t fully finished yet, but is available for players to enjoy and provide feedback. This allows developers to make improvements and additions based on player experience, making it an ever-evolving and exciting gaming journey.

All in all, Nightingale offers a survival experience set in a charming Victorian fantasy world and includes quests and ongoing development to enhance the overall gaming adventure.

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How to use Nightingale’s mountaineering pick?

Using a climbing pickaxe in Nightingale is a key skill for traversing challenging terrain and reaching new heights. Here is a detailed guide on how to effectively use a climbing pickaxe in the game:

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Nightingale’s Climbing Pick is a multi-purpose tool consisting of two metal picks attached to a handle. This tool allows players to climb vertical surfaces such as cliffs, walls, and rock faces.

1. Choose the right surface:

  • Identify climbable surfaces such as rock walls or cliffs. Note that not all surfaces in Nightingale can be scaled, so choose your path carefully.

2. Grip surface:

  • To grip a surface, aim your climbing pick at the desired area and press the grapple button. This action locks your character firmly to a surface with the pickaxe.

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3. Ascending order:

  • Once your character grabs a surface, use the up button to pull yourself up. Be careful to avoid rising too quickly as this may result in loss of grip and a fall.

4. Descending order:

  • To descend, use the Descent button to lower yourself. Taking your time when descending is crucial to avoiding an accident.

5. Changing hands:

  • By pressing the switch-hand button, you can switch hands as you climb, maneuvering around obstacles and reaching new areas.

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Nightingale Rock Climbing Tips

Climbing can be an exciting but challenging activity, especially in a game like Nightingale. To ensure a safe and secure climb, consider these practical tips:

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Check your grip strength:

Before you start climbing, make sure your character has a firm grip on the ground. If you feel any slipping, adjust your position for a better grip.

Monitor your stamina:

Keep an eye on your stamina bar while climbing. Rock climbing consumes energy. If your energy is too low, take a break to recharge your energy before continuing to climb.

Choose the right surface:

Look for a surface you can climb on, such as a rock wall or cliff. Be careful as not all surfaces are climbable, so choose your path wisely.

Avoid overhanging surfaces:

Overhanging surfaces can be difficult to climb and increase the risk of falls. Choose as many vertical paths as possible to minimize hazards.

Equipment for climbing:

In some areas, specialized climbing gear may be required to climb safely. Make sure you have the proper gear for added safety.

Be careful about changing hands:

Use the switch hand feature to get around obstacles or reach new areas. This helps to effectively adjust your grip and position.

Consider the weather:

Pay attention to the weather conditions in the game. Climbing in rainy or windy weather can make surfaces slippery and increase the risk of falls. Consider waiting for better conditions.

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Be aware of your surroundings:

Before ascending, check your surroundings for potential obstacles or hazards. Falling objects or hostile mobs can make climbing dangerous.

Master the advanced techniques of rock climbing picks

Unlock advanced climbing techniques in Nightingale to take your gameplay to the next level. First up is the “frog jump,” a clever move where you switch hands as you climb to ensure a quick ascent. Coordination is crucial for this technology to work smoothly.

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For a more agile approach, try the Climb Jump. This involves jumping from surface to surface as you climb, adding a dynamic element to your ascent. Mastering the timing of your jumps is crucial to landing exactly where you want.

Want an adventure? Discover “free climbing,” an advanced technique that allows you to climb without relying on ropes or safety gear. This daring move requires a high level of climbing expertise, so proceed with caution and only attempt it if you are confident in your skills.

Finally, think of “side climbing” as a strategic tactic. Move horizontally along the surface to avoid obstacles or reach other challenging locations. Precision and control are the keys to successful side climbing.

Practice these advanced techniques in a controlled environment, then integrate them seamlessly into your Nightingale adventure. Soon, you’ll be scaling peaks and overcoming challenges with your newfound expertise.

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Nightingale gameplay

Nightingale is a super cool game that takes you to a different world after the Earth encounters big problems. Imagine being a traveler in a magical Victorian world filled with magic and fantasy. The best part? The world will be different every time you play the game because it is randomly created.

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For Nightingale, survival was indeed important. As you explore these magical places, you must scavenge for food, take a break, and collect items to craft tools. Making basic things like bedrolls is easy. You don’t have to build shelters, but they can help you regain more energy. Here’s a fun twist – you can make umbrellas that float, just like Mary Poppins!

There are a lot of cool things in the game, like friendly creatures and combat with weapons. You can go on dungeon adventures and participate in large battles to make survival even more exciting.

You can team up with characters in the game, such as Victor Frankenstein and Mr. Hyde, who will give you quests. Gathering resources allows you to travel between different worlds, each with its own landscape such as deserts, forests, and swamps. You can use cards to change everything and decide what’s in your world.

Nightingale is great to play alone or with friends (up to six!). You can see everything from your own perspective or switch to a different view. It’s like going on a grand adventure, exploring new places, meeting famous characters from the books, and making the game your own in a cool steampunk-style world.

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Overview of Nightingale


inflection game


inflection game


Unreal Engine 5



release date

February 20, 2024 (early access)




Single player game, multiplayer game

Nightingale trailer

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