Lords of the Fallen Update1.560 Patch Notes

Lord of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen is an action role-playing game developed by Hexworks and published by CI Games. Originally released on October 13, 2023 for platforms including Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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In this game, players delve into a dark and immersive fantasy world where they can engage in epic battles, wield powerful weapons, and cast devastating magical spells. The game offers single and multiplayer modes, allowing players to embark on thrilling adventures alone or team up with friends to tackle challenges together.

Featuring stunning visuals and an engaging storyline, Lords of the Fallen combines intense combat mechanics with complex character customization options. Players can create and customize their avatar, choose from nine character classes, and master melee combat and magical abilities.

The game’s interconnected world offers vast opportunities for exploration, allowing players to traverse the realms of the living and the dead, uncover hidden secrets and confront powerful enemies. With its dynamic gameplay and immersive atmosphere, Lords of the Fallen offers fans of action RPGs an engaging gaming experience.

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Lords of the Fallen Update 1.560 Patch Notes

Lords of the Fallen update v.1.1.560 released on February 29

Now greeting lanterns live on all platforms,

Ahead of this update, we’ve worked on extensive optimizations for Mournstead, which include a number of enhancements and tweaks to significantly improve performance on all machines. In addition to this, we are once again focusing on the inventory system to avoid and remove duplicates.

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Please find today’s highlights below:

  • Optimization Phase Parallel to previous updates, we have been conducting an extensive optimization phase, introducing another significant optimization boost that goes live on all platforms today.
  • Updated Graphics Settings We have adjusted the graphics settings for the low graphics profile to further improve performance on low-end machines. We’ve also adjusted some default settings to suit our player base hardware based on the data you send us via Sentry.
  • Additionally, we’re introducing new cinematic settings for the latest and most powerful hardware, so you can take advantage of the full power of Unreal Engine 5. Note that this will have a performance impact.
  • If you have any questions about how to use the adjusted graphics settings, use the Auto Setup button and Unreal Engine will do the benchmarking work for you to establish the optimal settings.
  • Inventory Cleanup Duplicates We’ve been hard at work implementing a new system management tool that affects how duplicates (spells, quest items, etc.) interact with your inventory. Starting with this patch, any duplicates in your inventory will be automatically removed and prevent any future collection of duplicates.

Additional information for optimal performance and stability:

  • Laptop gamers please make sure you are not in economy mode or power saving mode as these modes can significantly reduce the performance of your game. You may want to check your settings to make sure it’s in performance mode for best results.
  • Intel CPU Crashes We are seeing some crashes on Sentry from Intel 13700k or 13900k. If you own these CPUs and experience crashes, consider adjusting the BIOS settings for gaming.

Thanks again to everyone who reported issues through Sentry, this greatly helped us identify issues with each specific hardware configuration.

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In the light we walk. HEXWORKS TEAM

multiplayer game

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could result in the partner’s death totem remaining after the host and partner were resurrected.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where partners could see an interactive prompt on the moth wall after the boss was defeated.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause runes placed in partner weapon slots to have placeholder text and black icons.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause platforms in the Umbral puzzle to rotate in the opposite direction from the client perspective in Lower Kalaras.


  • Fixed an issue where the Zealous Confessor could continue charging indefinitely if it lost sight of the player.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Shrouded Sparrow to damage other enemies.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in Silencebringer not spawning correctly when hitting the corresponding Shadow Statue in the Cold Curse Fief.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in players not being poisoned by the Blessed Carrion Knight’s grab attack.

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user interface

  • Fixed an issue where damage numbers were incorrectly displayed in the Shattered Monarch cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the track list in the Soundtrack to scroll infinitely after selecting Shuffle or Next Track.
  • Fixed an issue where Stigma subtitles might not display correctly in 3D Photo mode.
  • Fixed an issue in the equipment menu that could cause the compare panel to get stuck when switching tabs or using the Unequip button.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow players to teleport to different ruins without holding down the teleport button if they had more than 12 relics unlocked.

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  • Fixed an issue where sounds would stop playing if the player left the main menu after triggering a sound puzzle.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the lit brazier of the sound puzzle in The Abyss to go out if the player took a break or exited the main menu.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause death music to end abruptly during a boss fight.
  • Fixed a sound issue that caused mechanical sound effects to play when using the Enhanced Rhogar Oil Bottle on Proselyte.


  • Fixed an issue where players might not be able to obtain Holy Essence when looting in Abyss of Revelation.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Mines created by the “Farewell Pendant” effect were unable to damage enemies.

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  • Fixed a rare issue in multiplayer that could cause Pieta to become invincible after killing a partner with a specific skill.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to spawn inside Holy Bulwark Otto’s boss arena without triggering the encounter when reloading the game while standing outside near the Moth Wall.


  • Fixed a visual glitch that could incorrectly create enemy hit effects at the player’s position when using ranged weapons.
  • Fixed a visual glitch that incorrectly displayed the shadow of the Umbral asset near the mine entrance.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from interacting with planted Relic Seedlings due to enemies being behind the walls of Holy Brothers Manor.

Why is Lords of the Fallen update v.1.1.560 called patch 1.035 on some websites?

Due to differences in numbering systems, some websites may refer to Lords of the Fallen update v.1.1.560 as patch 1.035. This inconsistency may be caused by different developer orders or numbering system restarts.

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The developers may have tweaked the update numbering method, causing confusion among users and the site. The exact reason for this discrepancy remains unknown as there is no official clarification from the developer.

However, players must be aware of this change in numbering when searching for information or updates related to Lords of the Fallen, as it may cause confusion as to which specific version or patch is being discussed.

Lord of the Fallen gameplay

Lords of the Fallen offers action-packed gameplay in a fantasy world where players can use melee weapons and magic. Similar to games like Dark Souls, combat is challenging and strategic. Players can team up with others in the campaign for cooperative play, or engage in player-versus-player combat.

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In the game, players create their own characters, choosing from nine different classes, each with their own abilities and strengths. The world of Lords of the Fallen is vast and interconnected, with two realms: Axiom (the realm of the living) and Umbral (the realm of the dead).

Players can use a magical lantern to travel between these realms, encountering unique challenges and enemies in each realm. Death in the game transports players to Umbral where they must regain lost experience points, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. Minh Khang Cente’s gaming articles are your source for gaming news and updates. Stay informed about game releases, patches, and industry trends to get the most out of your gaming experience.

Lords of the Fallen Game Trailer

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