MW3 Walking Dead, How To Complete All Modern Warfare 3 The Walking Dead?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III has become one of the most anticipated releases in the famous Call of Duty series. As the twentieth installment, the game builds on the realistic and modern setting established by its predecessors. A direct sequel to Modern Warfare II, the storyline revolves around the efforts of Task Force 141 as they work to thwart the plans of Russian ultranationalist Vladimir Makarov and prevent a catastrophic Third World War. Great war.

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Modern Warfare III is scheduled to be released on multiple platforms including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S on November 10, 2023, promising to bring you an immersive and action-packed game. gaming experience. One notable feature is the inclusion of a remastered multiplayer map from Modern Warfare 2, allowing players to revisit familiar locations while enjoying enhanced graphics and gameplay mechanics.

Additionally, Modern Warfare III introduces an exciting new addition to the series: Zombies mode set in a vast open-world environment. This new take on the popular game mode adds a thrilling twist to the gameplay, appealing to fans of the series and new players alike.

Following early leaks, the game was officially released in August 2023 to great anticipation and excitement within the Call of Duty community. Fans are eagerly awaiting the game’s release, looking forward to immersing themselves in intense multiplayer combat, engaging storylines, and upcoming adrenaline-pumping challenges.

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MW3 The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead crossover event is now live in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) and Warzone. This exciting event is part of Season 2’s Zombies theme and offers players the perfect opportunity to earn a variety of cool rewards. Some of the rewards include Negan’s infamous “Lucille” bat as a weapon charm, Rick’s iconic Sheriff’s hat, double XP tokens to level up faster, a special The Walking Dead-inspired business card, and even Has unique weapon camouflage.

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But that’s not all! As an added treat, a special phrase in The Walking Dead can be unlocked after players earn 181,000 XP. This is a fun way to show your dedication to the game and love for the show.

In addition to the enticing rewards, there’s also the introduction of a new character named Michonne from The Walking Dead. Players have the opportunity to complete individual challenges and earn Michonne’s skin and other cosmetics. Even better, Michonne is not only available in MW3, but also in the popular game mode Call of Duty Warzone.

The Walking Dead: Fear the Living event began on February 28, 2024, and is still ongoing in Warzone and MW3. To track the event, players can simply go to the Events tab in Warzone and MW3, where they will find a countdown and all the information they need to fully immerse themselves in this exciting crossover event.

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How to complete all content in Modern Warfare 3: The Walking Dead?

To complete all challenges in the Fear the Walking Dead event in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, you need to participate in the event and accumulate XP. The event is a collaboration between The Walking Dead and MW3, offering players the chance to win 10 rewards. It’s important to note that rewards may vary and are subject to Activision’s activation of the event and subsequent cosmetic release.

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To get rewards, just play MW3 and collect XP. Each game played awards 1000 XP, so the more you play, the more XP you earn. Rewards include items such as weapon stickers, double XP tokens, large decals, charms, badges, calling cards, and camos. As you accumulate XP, you can redeem it for available rewards.

It is worth mentioning that the event is of limited duration, especially during the week ending in early March 2024. This free event allows players to immerse themselves in the world of The Walking Dead and offers attractive rewards as an incentive to keep playing. Play.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III gameplay

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III will build on the solid foundation of its predecessor, Modern Warfare II, to create an exciting gaming experience. Players can look forward to improved mechanics and intense combat, ensuring adrenaline-filled action in both campaign and multiplayer modes. The event introduces “Open Combat Missions”, giving players greater freedom to complete missions based on their play style and preferences.

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In multiplayer mode, players will have access to all 16 maps in Modern Warfare 2, as well as the exciting map voting feature. The expanded medical system adds a new strategic dimension to intense combat, allowing for more tactical decisions. The addition of a “red dot” mini-map further enhances situational awareness, allowing players to accurately navigate dynamic battlefields.

Classic game modes return, providing a familiar and beloved experience for long-time fans of the series. Additionally, the launch of the new Brutal mode brings a fresh and competitive multiplayer experience to players looking for a more intense and unforgiving challenge.

Ground War and War modes also make a triumphant return, with dedicated maps adapted to large-scale battles. To ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience, we employ an AI moderation system to safeguard in-game behavior and deter disruptive behavior.

One of the standout features of Modern Warfare III is the unique open-world PvE Zombies mode created in partnership with Treyarch. This mode offers squads of up to 24 players in the immersive environment of “Urzikstan” with unique game mechanics and an engaging storyline. The collaboration between two renowned studios adds a fresh and exciting dimension to the Call of Duty experience.

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“Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III” trailer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Overview


sledgehammer game




Walter Meyer


call of Duty


Nevada 9.0


PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S


November 10, 2023


first person shooting


Single player, multiplayer


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