Nightingale Twitch Drops Not Working, How to Fix Twitch Drops Not Working in Nightingale?

Nightingale Twitch Drops Not Working

If you’re having issues with Nightingale Twitch Drops not working, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many players are having trouble claiming rewards from Twitch streams. The most common issues seem to be related to linking your accounts correctly.

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To resolve this issue, make sure to launch Nightingale at least once before attempting to link your Steam or Epic Games account. This step is crucial and unlike other games it’s not usually required. After launching the game, go ahead and link your account through the official website and then link your Twitch account as well.

After linking your accounts, go to Twitch and look for the Nightingale live channel. Spend a few hours watching these live streams and get rewarded. You can track your progress and claim rewards from your Twitch Drops inventory.

Remember, these rewards are only available for a limited time, so be sure to claim them before they expire. It may take some time and effort, but the rewards (including exclusive items) are definitely worth it.

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By following these steps and ensuring your account is linked correctly, you should be able to resolve Nightingale Twitch Drops not working issues and start enjoying your rewards immediately.

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How to fix Twitch Drops not working in Nightingale?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to fixing Twitch Drops not working in Nightingale

Launch Nightingale:

Please make sure you have launched Nightingale at least once before attempting to link accounts. This step is crucial and different from the typical account linking process in other games.

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Linked account:

Head to the official Nightingale website and link your Steam or Epic Games account. This step is necessary for Twitch Drops to function properly. Also, link your Twitch account on the same page.

Watch Nightingale live:

After linking your accounts, navigate to Twitch and search for the channel where Nightingale is streaming. Spend a few hours watching these streams to earn Twitch Drops.

Tracking progress:

You can monitor your progress and see if you’ve earned any rewards through your Twitch Drops inventory. Check your current progress and claimed rewards under the Nightingale tab.

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Receive award:

Make sure you claim your rewards promptly as they are only available for a limited time. Rewards include exclusive items that enhance your Nightingale experience.

To resolve account linking issues:

If you’re still having trouble, double-check that your account is linked correctly. Revisit the Nightingale website to ensure all accounts are connected correctly.

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be patient:

Sometimes, Twitch Drops can take some time to process. If you followed all the steps correctly, give it some time and your reward should appear in your inventory.

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Stay informed:

Please keep an eye on the official announcements and forums for any updates or troubleshooting tips regarding Twitch Drops in Nightingale. Developers can provide additional guidance or resolve common issues.

By following these steps and being patient, you should be able to resolve the issue of Twitch Drops not working in Nightingale and start enjoying rewards with ease.


Nightingale is a new survival game developed by Inflexion Games, released in Early Access on February 20, 2024. Set in a fantasy Victorian world, players control an interdimensional traveler navigating a procedurally generated realm following a catastrophic event on Earth. Survival is key as players scavenge for food, craft tools, and find shelter among hostile creatures.

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The game features whimsical elements, such as gliding under an umbrella and encounters with literary characters like Victor Frankenstein. Players can explore different biomes and customize their experience with card-based world modifiers. Nightingale supports single-player and cooperative multiplayer modes for up to six players, with the option of first- or third-person perspective. The game was originally planned to be a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, but later evolved to prioritize player-driven narrative over linear storytelling. Inflexion Games aims to deliver a rich story and dynamic gameplay experience during an expected one-year Early Access period, available only on Windows systems.

Nightingale gameplay

In Nightingale, players take on the role of an interdimensional traveler, surviving in a fantasy Victorian world after a disaster on Earth. They search for food, crafting tools, and shelter, while encountering both hostile and non-hostile creatures. Whimsical features include gliding under an umbrella and quests from literary characters like Victor Frankenstein. The game offers diverse biomes and a customizable experience through card-based modifiers.

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Players can embark on the journey alone or team up with friends in multiplayer co-op mode. Nightingale offers first- and third-person perspective options, emphasizing player-driven narrative rather than linear storylines. The game was originally conceived as an MMORPG with an early access focus on immersive survival gameplay and is expected to be available exclusively on Windows systems for a year.

nightingale development

Inflexion Games is a Canadian independent studio founded by former BioWare executives and the developer of Nightingale. The project was originally conceived as an MMORPG and later transformed into a survival game. Unlike traditional role-playing games, Inflexion aims to engage players through an interesting premise and rich lore rather than a linear narrative, creating an environment where players can create their own stories.

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Nightingale is scheduled to launch into early access on February 20, 2024, and will only be available on Windows systems. The Early Access phase is expected to last approximately a year, giving players plenty of time to dive into the game world, provide feedback, and see the game evolve firsthand.


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