Warframe Tier List March 2024

War Armor

Warframe is a free-to-play game where players control powerful warriors called Tenno. These Tenno have been sleeping for a long time, and when they wake up, they find themselves in the future and must fight against various enemies in the Origin System. Players use Warframes (special suits with different abilities) as well as weapons to complete missions.

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The game offers different types of missions, some with randomly generated levels and others with fixed designs. Players can explore large open world areas and participate in story missions like other online games. They can also improve the Tenno by getting better gear through shooting, melee combat, and parkour.

Warframe has cooperative and competitive modes. Players can team up to take on the game’s enemies, or battle each other. The game features microtransactions, allowing players to purchase in-game items with real money, but they can also earn them by playing the game.

The idea for Warframe came from a game called “Dark Sector” developed by Digital Extremes in 2000. However, Dark Sector faced delays and changes before its release in 2008. In 2012, Digital Extremes created Warframe using ideas and art from Dark Sector. Warframe didn’t attract much attention when it first came out, but as time went on, it became more and more popular. It is now one of Digital Extremes’ most successful games, with millions of players worldwide.

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Warframe Tier List March 2024


War Armor


Nekros (and Nekros Prime), Khora (and Khora Prime), Hydroid (and Hydroid Prime)


Protea, Saryn (and Saryn Prime), Wisp (and Wisp Prime), Revenant (and Revenant Prime), Mesa (and Mesa Prime)


Ash (and Ash Prime), Baruuk (and Baruuk Prime), Citrine, Garuda (and Garuda Prime), Gara (and Gara Prime), Gauss (and Gauss Prime), Kullervo, Mag (and Mag Prime), Nova (and Nova ), Octavia (and Octavia Prime), Rhino (and Rhino Prime), Volt (and Volt Prime), Voruna, Wukong (and Wukong Prime), Xaku, Zephyr (and Zephyr Prime)


Atlas (and Atlas Prime), Banshee (and Banshee Prime), Chroma (and Chroma Prime), Dagath, Equinox (and Equinox Prime), Excalibur (and Excalibur Umbra), Grendel (and Grendel Prime), Gyre, Harrow (and Harrow ), Hildryn (and Hildryn Prime), Ivara (and Ivara Prime), Lavos, Mirage (and Mirage Prime), Nezha (and Nezha Prime), Nyx (and Nyx Prime), Qorvex, Styanax (higher levels available ) Intrepid Stand enhancement module), Stalker, Titania (and Titania Prime), Trinity (and Trinity Prime), Valkyr (and Valkyr Prime), Vauban (and Vauban Prime), Sevagoth


Caliban, Ember (and Ember Prime), Frost (and Frost Prime), Limbo (and Limbo Prime), Loki (and Loki Prime), Nidus (and Nidus Prime), Oberon (and Oberon Prime), Yareli


Inaros (and Inaros Prime)

Warframe Gameplay

Warframe is an online game where players control powerful characters called Tenno. These Tenno wear special suits called Warframes and use cool weapons to complete their missions. Players start with a basic Warframe and weapons and a spaceship called an Orbiter. The Orbiter has an AI named Ordis to assist players.

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In the game, players explore the origin galaxy, fight enemies and complete missions. They can also control their operators, the true heroes of the game with their own abilities. Players can even control large combat units called Necromechs. During space missions, players use an Archwing, a special platform mounted on a Warframe. They can also pilot a combat spaceship called a Railjack for cooperative missions.

To progress in the game, players select missions from the orbiter. They must complete missions to unlock new planets and face off against NPC enemies at intersections. Players can also manage their gear, customize their Warframe and weapons, and craft new items in their orbiter.

Missions can be completed alone or with up to four players in co-op mode. Players complete objectives such as defeating enemies, stealing data, or defending points on the map. They are rewarded with in-game items and currency for successfully completing tasks.

In Warframe, players can upgrade their gear and improve their abilities using Mods, which are upgrades discovered during missions. They can also craft new gear using blueprints and resources found in the game. Warframe is free to play, and players can earn most items through the game. They can also use in-game currency to purchase items or speed up their progress. Some cosmetics can only be purchased with real money.

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Warframe trailer

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